
Showing posts from August, 2012

Who would have "abducted" Gawat?

Who abducted Aremu Gawat The heap of his alleged abduction was all over the Western part of Nigeria immediately he was declared missing. Since then, I have been thinking it every time it comes to my mind that, who could have abducted Gawat?  I had known him since late 1990's when he was the national president of NACOMYO. I had the opportunity of discussing with him on a round table during the organization's camping program at Government College, Ikorodu in 1999. This rear opportunity gave me an holistic view of Alhaji Gawat's humble personality. He was a listening leader as I was surprised the way he usually turned to me with utmost attention whenever I raised my hand for questioning even though I was very young then, he could have ignored me totally without stepping on anybody's toes. It has never stopped to appear to me as a mystery as the governments, both state and federal, yet to fish out the hole this great personality is being hidden.  Security of life and